


  • 麦融高科智能通风系统,低能耗引入室外清洁冷空气排热降温

  • 智能通风系统 Intelligent ventilation 智能通风系统是根据通信*、机房室内外的环境条件温差引入室外清洁的冷空气对通信*、机房内进行自然降温,同时排出*、机房内的热空气,从而达到在常年大多数条件下替代空调制冷的效果,避免了空调长时间的运行所造成的电能浪费,有效降低通信机房空调的运行时间,达到降低通信机房电能消耗的目的。

    Intelligent ventilation is a system that draws outdoor cold air to indoor environment directly to cool down indoor air temperature according to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air. An exhaust fan removes indoor hot and stale air. This unit serves as air conditioner; therefore, the running time of existing air conditioners is shortened, resulting in energy conservation. 产品特点 Product Feature 1、采用*后倾式离心风机,具有风量大、余压高、噪音低、功耗小等特点; 2、采用独有的自洁式滤筒过滤技术(麦融*),过滤面积是板式的数倍,自动清洁滤筒,减少维护工作量; 3、高精度温湿度控制,可远程监控,并具备空调双机切换功能: 4、下送风方式,**大的优化气流组织。

    1 It has large volumetric air flow rate, high surplus pressure, low noise, and low energy consumption for the application of the backward inclined ce*ifugal fan. 2 It has less maintenance for the use of self-clean filter (CSMX Patent). 3 It can be co*olled remotely and can run together with air conditioners. 4 It has better indoor air distribution because the outlet air is supplied through its bottom part.   技术参数表Technical Parameter 机组型号 Type MZT-05 MZT-07 MZT-08 MZT-10 显冷量(W) Sensible Heat (W) 3600 7370 5000 8300 能效比(EER) EER 19 25 20 22.7 新风量(m/h) Inlet Air Flow Rate (m/h) 1350 2200 1900 3100 排风量(m/h) Exhausting Air Flow Rate (m/h) 1200 1800 1700 2800 额定功率(W) Power (W) 100+90 190+100 145+100 265+100 进风口(mm) Inlet (mm) Φ200x2 Φ200x2 Φ250x2 Φ250x3 排风口(mm) Exhaust (mm) Φ200 Φ200 Φ250 Φ250x2 宽×深×高(mm) W×D×H (mm) 500x500x600 500x500x320 580x580x650 850x850x850 重量(kg) Weight (kg) 65 65 90 115 电源 Power Supply 220V-50HZ 一级过滤 First Filter 钢丝网 二级过滤 Second Filter 自动卷帘式过滤器/自洁式过滤器/G4过滤网 送风方式 Air Supply 下送风 标签: 通风系统 智能通风 一体化机   通风系统 智能通风 一体化机柜   长沙市智能通风系统   长沙市智能通风系统厂家
    [通风系统 智能通风 一体化机柜] 长沙市智能通风系统厂家
  • 企业信息
  • 状态:匆匆过客
  • 核实:        
  • IP属地:广东省